St Gregory the Great Church Men's Council originally chartered Troop 688 on April 1st 1962. This year, 2013, is the 51st anniversary of the troop. Since 1962, Troop 688 has produced at least 44 Eagle Scouts (I'm having trouble finding all of the old records), the names of which are posted on our Honor Roll page.

Troop 688 was actually an offshoot of Troop 931, also of St Gregory's.

Boy Scout Troop 931 was organized in November 1956 and chartered to St Gregory The Great Council of Men.

In the late 1950's and early 1960's the troop met in the Parish Hall on various evenings of the week.  A case was hung on the wall with the boy's names and achievements.  The day moved around from time to time as the Scout meeting was always being bumped by anyone, anytime.  In 1962 Troop 931 moved the meeting day to Wednesday and place to Ceres School.

About late 1961 Troop 931 had approximately 90 boys registered.  The District pressured the Troop to split into two troops.  [NOTE:  District and Council Executives get credit for the number of troops not just the number of boys registered.]  The upshot of it was that Troop 931 became Troop 931 and Troop 688 and established Explorer Post 931 (931X), splitting leaders, boys, equipment and other assets.  Both troops and the post struggled for years, Troop 931 finally fading away in the 1970's not long after Post 931. 

Troop 688 lives on and since the Men's council has been disbanded, the troop is now chartered to the parish. In 2001 we also chartered Venturing Crew 688. Thanks to Will Catron and Frank Duncanson for doing what I had been trying to do for a while - getting the Venturing Crew started.

I have had the honor of being a part of the troop since 1995 and have seen lean times when there were as few as 2 Scouts actively participating and pretty good times when over 20 Scouts were active. I thank Elaine Catalano and Jeannie Pastrano who helped me through the lean times. Everyone else who helped, I thank without naming, lest I forget anyone.

Thanks to Lou Smith for some of the history above.

Revised 2013

Troop 688 History