Links Page
Here are some links to related sites on the web
Lodge Manufacturing - Manufactures cast iron skillets and dutch ovens including a new Scout dutch oven. They also have a few recipes listed. - Everything from the Scouting catalog including flags, uniforms, insignia, camping gear and more.
The official Boy Scouts of America website.
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Greater Los Angeles Area Council BSA
Very cool page showing the history of the merit badge requirements for Eagle.
Downloadable worksheets and requirements for all merit badges. Great resource!
Pio Pico District's website. Includes District calendar and other related information.
Want to build your own website?
Homestead has a great set of tools to build your own.
My Scouting - Includes BSA's official online training site. Login required. 
Troop 688 Fundraising Page
Fundraising Page
Tips and newsletters for Scoutmasters and parents of upcoming Eagles. Some really nice resources.
The High Adventure Team's site which not only has training and outing dates, there are plenty of interesting links.
Part of the official BSA website.
Boy Scout Requirements book online.
Click here to access two versions of the Guide to Safe Scouting
Custom Search
Here's an important video. Please Scouts and Scouters commit to being focused on your driving when you're behind the wheel. We don't want to read about you in the newspaper, etc.
What's the correct uniform and where do those patches go?