The deer walk by the campsite
Circle X offers the Pathfinder program
At the Pathfinder program (Trail to 1st Class)
Fun times on the hill
In the dining hall
Outdoor classrooms for merit badge classes
Putting the flag away for the evening
Leaders hard at work
Setting up the Weather Rock
Getting to know the horse before the ride
Dutch oven cobbler competition
Woodburning the Tikiman
"Doc" uses flint and steel to start fires - Check out his site
Star Wars was popular this trip
Campfire time
Campfire time
Polar bear participants
I like this gateway sign
Checking out the boulders
I'm the King of the World!!
On the boulders
Campwide games
Pinecone bowling
Rescue carry
"Doc" teaches knots too
On a boulder
70 Big Horn bucks bought this watermelon
Who needs a tent?
In the trading post with Leprechaun
At the covered wagon
We topped it all off with a trip to the Cedar Glen Malt Shop
They also make delicious sundaes