November 21, 2009
A Good Turn
Having recently participated in the national good turn Scouting For Food, I began to wonder about the impact we have when we do our good turns. Our Troop and Pack collected nearly 1,200 items for our local food distribution center. That's pretty good although I don't think the boys actually get to see their impact.
Even more recently, our troop put together the fixings for Thanksgiving dinner for two families. This good turn has a more profound impact on the boys as they pile into vehicles and deliver the goods to the families. This personalizes the deed and probably makes the boys put a little more thought into the gift they choose when we adopt the same families for Christmas.
Does the good turn need to be so personal to have an impact? I don't think so but I think the boys remember those times just a little better.
October 30, 2009
Greenway Trail
Here in Whittier the city got together with other entities and converted an unused railroad right-of-way into a multi-use trail. The paved trail is over 4-1/2 miles long and has great landscaping, artwork, and informational signs along the way. My only negative comment is that it is neither ideal for cycling nor hiking.
Cyclist have to put up with the pedestrians that insist on walking on the paved road reserved for bicycles and pedestrians have to constantly switch sides to stay on the decomposed granite hiking trail.
All-in-all the trail is a great way to get from one side of town to the other and I hope they will extend the trail farther east towards La Habra.