Religious Emblems
March 28, 2004
Congratulations to the following Scouts for completing the requirements and passing the board of review for their religious emblems.

  Ad Altare Dei -
Matthew TNathan LFrank L
Jimmy M  Jon Paul S    Cody M
Nick G

  Pope Pius XII -
Ryan R    Greg N   Matthew E

  God & Country
Elijah J
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Troop 688 - Whittier, CA
This page was last updated on: December 31, 2008
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NEWS 2000-2001
NEWS 2002
17th Annual Pancake Breakfast
February 22, 2004
Once again Troop 688 hosted Whittier's best pancake breakfast. Over six hundred people were fed their choice of fluffy buttermilk or blueberry pancakes, delicious Rose's sausage, scrambled eggs, fresh fruit, milk, orange juice, and coffee. The Scouts did a great job of cooking, serving, and cleaning. Many thanks to all of the volunteers who make the breakfast our most successful fundraiser every year. Thanks also to all of those in the community who support this effort.
Eagle Project
February 7, 2004
Josh V. held his Eagle service project on February 7th at St Gregory the Great church in Whittier. The project consisted of a collection of items for a local shelter for battered and abused women and children. Items collected included clothing, toys, hygiene products, blankets and pillows.
Life Scout
February 2004
Not normally newsworthy to most Scouters but notable for the impact it has on me and maybe others too. Ricky C., a Life Scout, let his 18th birthday pass without completing his Eagle rank. Although he had things in his life which kept him away from regular meetings, he came back and gave it a try. Ricky also inspired me by coming up to thank me for being his Scoutmaster. That means a lot to me. To Ricky and to Willie (another Life Scout who didn't make Eagle) I say, It's ok, remember Steven Spielberg may be an Eagle but Bill Gates only made Life so don't let it get you down.
Hike to Bear Canyon
March 14, 2004
Twelve Scouts and five Scouters from 688 went on a hike to Bear Canyon in the Angeles National Forest. The weather was great for the 10 mile hike and other than the rattlesnake we ran into the hike went well. Some of the boys decided to take a swim on the way back and since the water level was good, they got to slide down a natural water slide. Thanks to Damian for organizing the hike.
Eagle Dinner
March 25, 2004
Bob Mosqueda and crew did a great job of organizing the 3rd annual Rio Hondo Eagle Recognition Dinner. Jerome Trost and Michael Enriquez were among the 23 honored on the evening of March 25th, 2004.
Congratulations to Jerome for being honored as having the best project book of 2003. 
Click Here for photo

Spring Camporee
April 25, 2004
Twelve Scouts and six Scouters from Troop 688 attended the spring Camporee at the Los Alamitos Joint Forces Training Base. Along with all of the great activities, the Scouts got to see Harrier jets come in for a landing.
New Eagle
June 1, 2004
Congratulations to Josh V for passing the Eagle Scout Character Board. Thanks go out to Bob Mosqueda and his board for holding a special meeting for Josh.
Summercamp 2004
August 1, 2004
This year's summercamp was held at Holcomb Valley Scout Camp near Big Bear. 18 Scouts and 7 Scouters from Troop 688 attended the week long camp. The boys earned 79 merit badges while having a great time, although the coyotes had some a little worried.
Scouting is Outings
October, 2004
Troop and Crew 688 have been busy recently with offers of campouts for the Scouts. Crew 688 attended the western themed camporee at Glen Helen Regional Park

And members of Troop, Crew, and Pack 688 attended the Catholic Scout Retreat in Sylmar on October 1st through 3rd.  Also in the works is Rio Hondo District's Fall Camporee at  Whittier Narrows on October 15th through 17th and the 10 Commandments Hike on October 23rd in Westchester.
Fundraiser/Committee Meeting
October 5, 2004
Troop 688's committee held their meeting at Baja Fresh in Whittier as part of a fundraiser. Baja Fresh will donate 15% of the purchases, which were identified with a fundraising flyer, to the troop.
October 18, 2004
Troop 688 attended Rio Hondo's fall camporee this past weekend. There was plenty to do such as tomahawk throwing and shotgun shooting. Two members of Crew 688 assisted in running the flapjack flipping event. (Not real flapjacks) ;-)
Ten Commandments Hike
October 23, 2004
This year's Ten Commandments Hike was held in Westchester. The 4.5 mile hike was hosted by the Thunderbird district and included visits to eight different churches including LDS, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Methodist, Episcopal, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, and Jewish. 688 was represented by 2 Venturers, 1 Scout, and 4 Scouters.
Scouting For Food
November 13, 2004
Troop 688 is proud to announce the results of it's efforts in the National Good Turn, Scouting for Food. Together with Cub Pack 688 and Venture Crew 688, we collected 1,450 cans, jars, boxes, etc of food. Our foodbank of choice is Neighbors Helping Neighbors. Good job Scouts and Scouters!!
NEWS 2003
NEWS 2005
NEWS 2006